I have so many people complaining about the ratings for my movie reviews, I thought I would explain them to save such complaints in future. 🤪

Okay so, DaMoRating is always out of 10. Which basically means that 5/10 is average.

Now, unlike what people might think, average is not bad. Average is not mediocre. Average is just, well Average.

Eg: Think of a Politician or a Civil Servant doing his job (Hah LoL). You are paying him for doing his job, he does it. It’s average performance, nothing extraordinary, nothing out of the way. That’s what he is supposed to do…..5/10.

Now, anything between 4 and 5 (which is basically 4.5 so it’s not really a range 🫣) that’s slightly below average but I will grin and bear it.

Like let’s say the Politician inaugurates a road that doesn’t collapse, but still has potholes….alrighty fine. You could have done better. (Not talking about the one you are thinking)

Anything below 4 is an attack on your senses.

That’s like someone inaugurating project pe project, project pe project, but nothing actually takes off. (Again……not talking about the one you are thinking, but you get my point 🤪)

You are angry that your hard earned money is wasted and all you got in return was crap. 😠

Anyhooo, now let’s talk about the better movies.

Anything above DaMoRating 5/10 is good. That’s exceeded the expectations and can be worth your money and time.

But to get a DaMoRating above 7/10, the movie has to be extremely good. It has to have either a unique storyline or a storyline narrated in a different fashion (yeah, that’s actually two different things 🤪)

In such cases, these movies have the potential of leaving a mark upon you.

And finally, anything above 8.5 is extremely difficult.

Let us understand that 10/10 would mean perfect, 9/10 would be near perfect and perfection is not given away like free ka groundnuts at Juhu Chowpaty. One has to really work for it.

So now, stop arguing with me about the ratings that I give. You can give your own ratings, that’s your call, but they won’t be DaMoRatings 🤪🤪🤪

Two more important points to note:

1. For the fans of movies from down under (south India not Australia)….not every movie made in the south is “awesome”. And no, it’s not because “You don’t understand our culture” it’s because some of them are mediocre. Deal with it.

2. For the Bollywood Bycutt Brigade…..movies are not rated because of which nepo kid has acted in it. They are rated because of the viewing experience. There are some good movies being made in Bollywood too and they will be rated accordingly. Deal with it.

Disclaimer: Also to those people who keep asking me “How can you watch so many movies with only 24 hours in a day” ….. Haan saalon, you are ready to believe a man when he says he works for 25 hours in a day, sleeps on the planes and drinks only one glass of water during surgical strikes, but you can’t believe I can watch so many movies? Haain? Kyu? 😠😠